Seven Graham wears many hats: creative, mental health, communications, consultant and coach to Hollywood’s creative community; with particular expertise in addictions, relationships and LGBTQiA+.

Since 2015, as 7G the Brit in LA who is the world’s 1st intersex stand-up comic they headlined Laugh Proud, which was For Your Consideration (FYC) The Emmys, 2024.

Seven Graham moved to LA to get intersex & trans stories told by Hollywood; and to sunbathe.  They were a producer/director in BBC Entertainment before going to rehab for 9 months.

In sobriety, whilst still living as ‘Sarah’, he/they became an addiction expert and advisor to the UK Gov on mental health and communications & helped the Winehouse family set up The Amy Winehouse Foundation.

In their 7’s they’ve ticked off most letters of LGBTQiA+.

AFAB they came Out as a lesbian teenager, found out about being intersex in their 20s and transitioned to transmasc & non-binary aged 50.

Seven passionately believes in manifesting our happy, healthy, eco future together and through his/their creativity coaching model- the Alchemy of Authenticity- turning your sh*t into gold they empower creatives around the world to Be The Change.

As a writer, producer, actor & comic Seven Graham, & their rather naughty alter-ID 7g, is committed to telling Diverse Inclusive stories to heal our hearts and remind us ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’.